About us

A Beautiful Green is a consulting agency specialised in developing and implementing sustainability to help companies become sustainable and improve their performance. Founded in 2018 by Cintia Procaci, the agency works in Luxembourg, Belgium and France.

A beautiful green

What we do

We help companies incorporate sustainability practices into their business strategy and implement them to achieve a true sustainable revolution.

Our team discuss your plans with you and create a service tailored to your needs. We offer a variety of services covering several aspects of sustainable development in business. And finally, we present clear and achievable changes that will have significant impact and help reduce your operating costs while raising employee awareness.

We strongly believe that sustainability is an opportunity for any company. A Beautiful Green is convinced that any company that understands the opportunities and challenges of integrating sustainability into their business model at an early stage – and takes action on them – will most certainly have a competitive edge in their respective sector.

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A beautiful green vous aide à obtenir le

Our partners

The transition to sustainable behaviour is a collective one. That’s why A Beautiful Green works with several partners who also want to be part of the change.

We are a member of THE SHIFT, a meeting point for sustainable development in Belgium. We are also a member of IMS Luxembourg, responsible entrepreneurs network. Cintia Procaci is an expert in CSR strategy certified by INDR, the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility of Luxembourg. The A Beautiful Green team is made up of B Leaders, professionals seeking to guide companies through B Corp certification.

A Beautiful Green, membre de The shift, point de rencontre du développement durable en Belgique
L'équipe A beautiful green est composée de professionnels de B Leaders qui sont des experts dans la certification B-corp
Label ESR
Responsibility Europe, label a beautiful green
ims luxembourg

Our mission and values

Our mission

A Beautiful Green’s mission is to promote sustainable development and make it a reality for companies.

This commitment is a response to the various challenges faced by our society, challenges that are constantly growing. Society and its needs are changing, we help you to understand them. Our vision is based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. From environmental protection to social justice, we must all take responsibility for building a better future.

A beautiful green a pour mission de promouvoir le développement durable

A Beautiful Green takes action on the following key UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Our values

A beautiful green est une agence de conseil en développement durable qui se base sur une relation de confiance avec ses clients


A Beautiful Green is a consulting agency. Trust plays a crucial role in guiding companies towards the shared goal of sustainability. A Beautiful Green works to create mutual trust in each of the services.  We’re here to guide you. Through in-depth work and a holistic approach, A Beautiful Green is a supporter of sustainable transition.

A beautiful green travaille de manière transparente et amène ses clients à en faire autant


Whether in A Beautiful Green’s own work or in the companies we work with, transparency is an important element in the quest for sustainability. Transparency helps any company communicate about its actions and to ensure a sincere and constructive approach. By communicating transparently about the actions and limitations of a system, we can work together to improve it.

A beautiful green vous accompagne dans votre démarche de responsabilité citoyenne


Civic responsibility is at the heart of our sustainable approach. A Beautiful Green‘s responsibility and mission is to offer assistance to companies engaged in sustainable transition. Similarly, companies that call upon A Beautiful Green are those that wish to take responsibility and integrate environmentally friendly and socially-oriented behaviour into their company.